Chronic Care Management
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5 Common Patient Questions About Chronic Care Management Answered
Here are some of the most common questions your patients may have before and after signing up for your Chronic Care Management program.
A Better Way to Master Patient Enrollment
Patient enrollment doesn't have to be a deterrent to creating a robust virtual care program for your practice.
Virtual care keeps making great impressions
A recent survey of healthcare executives has shed light on how much Remote Patient Monitoring and Chronic Care Management have helped their organizations in numerous ways.
The Key to Virtual Care: Finding the Right Partner
Providers sometimes eagerly take on CMS-sponsored remote care programs on their own, then realize trusting an experienced vendor is the most feasible way to implement patient servicing.
Using Value-Based Care to Transform Your Practice
The gradual shift from the fee-for-service payment model to value-based care is proving to be a boon for providers nationwide.
Getting Past the Hurdles to a Successful CCM Program
Getting the most out of Chronic Care Management means bringing in a proven partner to make things work.
Making Virtual Care Work for Specialist Practices
Specialist practices, not just PCPs, are seeing numerous benefits in adopting remote care for their patients.
The Brains behind our Remote Care
With iCare® by HealthXL®, our proprietary clinical workflow platform, we ensure patients are serviced consistently, patient by patient, and month by month, regardless of assigned Care Coordinator.
Integrate With Your Existing EMR Workflow
Our workflows integrate seamlessly with your EMR software. That means no new technologies or processes to frustrate your staff. Care and treatment plans are accessible 24/7 via your EMR.
Our always-expanding EMR expertise includes:

Nationwide Chronic Care Management & Remote Patient Monitoring Services
National Headquarters
Chronic Care Management & Remote Patient Monitoring
10923 Countryway Blvd
Tampa, FL 33626
(813) 820-5760
Chronic Care Management & Remote Patient Monitoring
500 Town Center Drive
Dearborn, MI 48126
(313) 474-4550